четверг, 15 июля 2021 г.

Appeal of a Russian Hindu to Hindus worldwide


Hello everyone. My name is Sergei Kevshin. I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. I have been a devout Hindu since the year 2006. In Russia there are only 140,000 Hindus and I’m one of them.

I appeal for help to my Hindu brothers and sisters in India and worldwide, through this video. How would you react to the fact that there is someone who calls our Hindu gods and goddesses evil entities? How would you react to the fact that there is someone who calls Hindus primitive and wild people?

There is such a person who lives in Russia and his name is Alexander Dvorkin. For the last 20 years Dvorkin has been systematically slandering and attacking Hinduism in his lectures, articles and interviews. Alexander Dvorkin is not only insulting Hindus in Russia and worldwide but also threatening them.

Dvorkin is forcing Hindus in Russia to leave Hinduism or otherwise be prepared to get out of Russia and face other negative consequences.

I had written numerous complaints to the Russian authorities concerning Alexander Dvorkin. Various Russian authorities have started conducting serious investigations with regards to the radical actions of Dvorkin. I even have information that Dvorkin is fleeing the investigation.

And with the aim of sowing confusion and running away from the ongoing investigations being conducted by the Russian authorities Alexander Dvorkin has written slanderous and false complaint against me, accusing me of being a Hindu.

By doing this he is creating misunderstandings concerning Hindus in Russia and running away from the investigations of the authorities. But I have complete faith that I will get justice for myself and other Russian Hindus because the truth is on my side.

During one of my conversations with the Russian authorities I was told that in order to make Dvorkin legally responsible they need more documents concerning his radical actions.

This would be a huge victory for Hindus in Russia and all over the world.

My dear Hindu brothers and sisters all over the world. If you have any information on Alexander Dvorkin or his organisations than please send it to me via email or my social sites - kevshin.sergei@gmail.com.

Only united we can make the ardent hater of Hinduism and radical Alexander Dvorkin legally responsible for his actions carried out with the aim of slandering and attacking Hinduism and Russian Hindus.

Namaste and Jai Shri Ram!

#Hinduism  #HindusinRussia

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