понедельник, 14 сентября 2020 г.

Shaktism _: A brief on the Golden Era of Shaktism & Slogan of Bharat Mat...

Shaktism A brief on the Golden Era of Shaktism & How it helped Conversion for Christianity Impact of the  Slogan of Bharat Mata ki Jai

Of the great ancient civilizations, working knowledge of the inner forces of enlightenment has survived on a mass scale only in India. Only in India has the inner tradition of the Goddess endured. This is the reason the teachings of India are so precious. They offer us a glimpse of what our own ancient wisdom must have been. The Indians have preserved our lost heritage. Today it is up to us to locate and restore the tradition of the living Goddess. We would do well to begin our search in India, where for not one moment in all of human history have the children of the living Goddess forgotten their Divine Mother."

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