воскресенье, 11 января 2015 г.

Orthodox repression against the Hellenes and the Gnostic

Christian repression of the Hellenes (and other "pagan") against (the Christian Inquisition in the fourth century to the present):

C. Sec. 150-250 of the pagan emperors and their reactionary intended to create a new religion, which he saved from the death of the Roman Empire perish. They took Judaism, terribly distorted it as they did, they took the Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Persian, Canaanite, Phoenician, Sumerian, Assyrian and Akkadian mythology of the individual elements, these things are well mixed up and in the end it was, it was - orthodox or orthodox Judeo-Christianity.

C. Sec. - For full legalization of Christianity in 314 instantly, the Christian Church attacks the Gentiles: The Board prohibits ankiris and heresy says Artemis goddess worship. Artemis fans throughout the empire persecuted and killed. This was the beginning of the Orthodox fundamentalist plutocracy.
C. BC - 325 AD by the Roman Emperor Constantine the politicking-marginal fanatic intent of Nicaea convened in the city and brought together the orthodox dogma-bukvalisti Orthodox fanatics, Orthodox religious hierarchy, reactionary, theocrats. Constantine "ortodokseb of" Bloody agreement concluded, the emperor their political, financial and military assistance and expressed support for the fight against the Gnostics, promised to help with the destruction of the Gnostics, the "Orthodox" and he is the true king and bowed before the emperor recognized as legitimate. Gnostic Christianity became "heresy and heresy", while the Gnostic "heretics and heresy". Gnostics legalized the death penalty. Roman soldiers mastabit Empire began the pursuit and slaughter Gnostics. Tens of thousands of Gnostic.
C. Sec. - The only official religion of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine in 326 claims of Christianity. It abolishes the brotherhood of priests of Apollo and tortures to death the priests of Apollo. It also names the Gentiles and destroys the local pagan temples atosi.

C. Sec. - For 326 in their mother Elena Following instructions, destroys the temple of god Asklepios medicine Cilicia and the goddess Aphrodite temples in Jerusalem, etc.

C. Sec. - 330, Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the Greek pagan temples to celebrate the New Rome (Constantinople), the new capital of his empire.

C. Sec. - For 335 Constantine destroys heathen temples in Asia Minor and Palestine and orders the crucified "pagan mages and the prophets." Neoplatonikosi Philosopher sopatrosi tortured and dying in the hands of the Orthodox.

C. Sec. - For 337 in Georgia comes from a convert to Orthodox fanatic girl - Nino. Nino marginal atsurebs fanatic temptations of the king, the king was deceived and become the new religion of the slave. King says the only Orthodox Christianity as the state religion. Nino fanatic army of the king publicly preaches the active support of the new religion. All "pagan" Georgians who refuses to accept the new religion, tortured and killed. Half of the population, which refuses to accept Christianity and dying en masse izhliteba by the king's army. Slaughtered "pagan" temples and monuments. The old Georgian (Iberian) "pagan" 99% of religious manuscripts destroyed by fanatics. Christian fanatics prohibit the old "pagan" in Georgian (Iberian) calendar, and it replaced the Christian calendar. Orthodox Church of the old "pagan" kings (including the mythical king Aeetes of Colchis, the son of Helios Solar Titan) declared heretics anathematized. Christians say that it took us as a nation, and that before she became a fanatic worshiping devils Georgia and lived in spiritual darkness. Anathema given to all "pagan" gods, including the mythical king Aeetes of Colchis father and wise Princess Medea's grandfather - Helios Solar Boiler. Medea say vexed wizard and evil forces.

C. Sec. - By the emperor in 341 konstasiusi, the son of Constantine, the persecution of "all the prophets and the Hellenistic". Greeks from many either in prison or tortured to death.

C. Sec. - For 346 new large-scale persecution of the pagans begins in Constantinople. City of regard for the famous orators libaniuss, who is accused of "magic".

C. Sec. - By 353 people who worshiped the emperor Constantius orders the death of all the beats pagan gods, and offers sacrifices to worship "idols".

C. Sec. - Issue an edict by Emperor Constantius in 354, which closed all pagan temples. Some of them have been turned into brothels are functioning or shebiltsulia and casinos. Pagan priests killed by arrows. Empire burn libraries in different cities for the first time. Destroyed pagan literature.

C. Sec. - For 356 years in the Edict of Constantine, and the priests and the destruction of pagan temples kanondeba "idolatrous" gamopatrva alive.

C. Sec. - For 357 years without any divination including astrology and declared outside the law and practice of the death penalty.

C. Sec. - For 359 in the first death camps built skitopolis Orthodox Christians throughout the empire, pagan custody to torture and execute.

C. Sec. - For 361 363 years since becoming pagan cults and religious tolerance and recovery, the pagan emperor Flavius Claudius Julian's.

C. Sec. - Orthodox Christians are killed in 363 by the Emperor Julian (June 26).

C. Sec. - 364 for the emperor Flavius ioaniusi orders to burn the Library of Antioch. On September 11, the imperial decree punished with death all the Gentiles who worship ancestral gods and omens. February 4, 9 September and 23 December, announced three orders, which takes place in the pagan temples and the confiscation of property involved in the torture and the death penalty in pagan ceremonies.

C. Sec. - By the Imperial Decree 365 (November 17) prohibits the pagan army officers to command Christian soldiers.

C. Sec. - By Emperor Valens orders the entire eastern empire in 370 mass persecution of pagans. Among many of the Gentiles in Antioch, the ex-governor and Hilary patrikiusi pidustiusi and priests, who are being punished by death. Eastern Empire cities squares demonstratively burned pagan books. Emperor Julian the persecuted (oribasiusi, saliustiusi, pegasiusi etc.), philosopher simonids Christians buried alive and the philosopher Maximus will intersect.

C. Sec. - By 372 CE, the Christian emperor Valenti governor of Asia Minor Greeks and ordered to destroy the documents of their wisdom.

C. Sec. - For 373 years in all forms of art coming out of the ban. The term "pagan" (Pagani, the rural population), Christians have been introduced in order to humiliate the pagans.

C. Sec. - For 375 in Greece, the temple of god Asklepios at Epidaurus medicine close.

C. Sec. - For 380, the Christians to practice their religion in the Roman exclusive religion of the state, Flavius Theodosius, the Christian Emperor's order, which requires that: "All the different peoples who depend on us for mercy and compassion, to become the Christian religion, which the Romans divine apostle Peter brought". Non-Christians are called "loathsome, heretics, stupid and blind". Another decree of Theodosius "crazy" to those who do not believe in the Christian God and the church doctrines prohibit any disagreement. Ambrosiusi, mediolanis Bishop begins his side in the destruction of pagan temples. Christian priests direct the mob against the temple of Demeter and try to lynch the judge elevsin nestoriusis and prikusis ieropantebi. Ends elevsinuri mysteries, nestoriusis 95 years ieropanti says that mental (physical) dominate the human race on the darkness.

C. Sec. - Emperor Theodosius for the year 381 on May 2 to deprive the civil rights of Christians who have returned to the pagan religion. Eastern Roman Empire, pagan temples and libraries are being destroyed and plundered. December 21, Theodosius prohibits simple to visit the temples of the Hellenes. Constantinople goddess Aphrodite temple turned into a brothel, and the sun and the temples of Artemis stable. Theodosius I, deprived of civil rights and property of manikevlebs. Kanondeba manikeveli Christians publicly executed. Thousands of Orthodox zealots manikevels publicly tortured and impaled.

C. Sec. - 384 for the Christian (Orthodox) Emperor Theodosius the prefect of Pretoria, maternus sinegiuss, a Christian, to cooperate with local bishops and destroy the pagan temples command in northern Greece and Asia Minor.

C. Sec. - For 385-388 years maternus sinegiuss its fanatical Orthodox wife skinning him alive. Bishop "Saint" Marcellus and his gang are destroying thousands of pagan temples, chapels and sanctuaries. They are destroying pagan temples in Edessa, but also the temple of Zeus (Syria), the temple of Apollo in Didim. Orthodox Christians tortured and dying by the thousands of innocent pagan skitopolisis death camps.

C. Sec. - Emperor Theodosius in 386 for destroying pagan temples.

C. Sec. - Christian Emperor Theodosius in 388 for public conversations is forbidden by religious motives. The old orator libaniusi his famous Epistle "Pro Temple" was sent to Theodosius, hoping that he will feel sorry for the rest of the Greek temples, lest the Gentiles.

C. Sec. - For all the non-Christian view of the 389-390 is declared outside the law. From the deserts of the Middle East and Egypt with overflow crowds of fanatic hermits, they are destroying statues, altars, libraries and pagan temples, at the time of the Gentiles tried to lynch. Theophilus, Patriarch alkesandriis starts Gentile Hellenes harshest persecution, he rebuilt the temple of Dionysus, the Orthodox Church, he destroys the temple of Zeus and the priesthood were stoned to death by a mob of killing. Christian crowds defile pagan images.

C. Sec. - Christian Emperor Theodosius for 391 in 24 February edict prohibits not only visits to pagan temples, but also watching the statues vandalism. A new severe persecution throughout the empire. Alexandria, Egypt, pagans philosopher olimpius with organizing the rebellion and the outs, finally close to God Serapis (Serapeion) fortified the temple. Powerful and aggressive assault on Christians to occupy the building, destroying it, burning the famous library and desecrate religious images.

C. Sec. - Emperor Theodosius bans on November 8 for 392 in all non-Christian ceremony and calls them "superstitions of the Gentiles" ("gentilicia superstitio"). New large-scale persecution of the Gentiles. Thrace mysteries are performed, and the priests are dying under torture. Cyprus local bishops, "Saint" Epiphanius and destroying almost all the pagan temple and kill thousands of Gentiles Tikhon. Goddess Aphrodite local mysteries ends. Theodosius decree says: "Those who do not obey the Father Epiphanes, do not have the right to continue to live on the island." Pagans are organizing a rebellion against the Emperor of Petra, aeropolis in a mini-bus in Gaza, baalbek and other Middle Eastern cities.

C. Sec. - For 393 in pitiuri, aktiurad declared outside the law and the Olympic Games.
C. Sec. - By 395 in two years in July and August 7 causes the Edict of 22 nations against the repression. Rüf, Emperor Flavius Arcadius eunuch Prime Minister christened the hordes of Goths (led Alarich) sends the Hellenes in the country. Christian fanatics (the congregation of the monks) are burned in many cities: Dion, Delphi, megaras, Corinth, peneoss, Argos, nemeas, lokosouras, Sparta, mesenas, pigeleias, Olympia, etc. Christian mob burns heathen temples and killing Elina. Christian fanatics burn elevsinur temple, the priests put together (including the Mitra ieropant hilarius).

C. Sec. - December 7 for 396 in the Christian Emperor Arcadius Edict Paganism be treated as high treason. Survivors pagan priests usjian life imprisonment.

C. Sec. - Flavius Arcadius orders for 397 in the Christian emperor to destroy the remaining pagan temples.

C. Sec. - 398 for the fourth year in Carthage, "church" Assembly bans everyone, including the bishops of pagan books. Porpiriusi, bishop of Gaza, destroying almost all the pagan temples of his city (except nine of them).

C. Sec. - Emperor Flavius Arcadius July 13 for a new order in the order of 399 villages destroyed the pagan temples.

C. Sec. - For 400, the Bishop Nikita Dionysus God destroys the churches and forced Vesa baptizes his side all the way.

C. Sec. - By a Christian mob of Carthage in 401 nations and destroying temples and judging lynch "idols". Gaza as well as the local bishop "Saint" porpiriusi sends his supporters tried to lynch pagans and to destroy the Hellenic temples. Chalcedon Fifteenth Council of Christians who still have a relationship with the Gentiles, declares that even after the death Should the church be handed over and anathema.

C. Sec. - For 405 in his head in the clouds monks of St. John Chrysostom natsrispereb sticks and iron rod Gunmen orders to destroy the "idols" across the whole of Palestine.

C. Sec. - For 406 John Chrysostom collects funds from rich Christian women to financially provide for the destruction of the Hellenic temples. Goddess Artemis at Ephesus he orders the destruction of the temple. Salamis, Cyprus, "Saint" Epiphanius and persecution of pagans and their temples and shrines continue evtikhi complete destruction.

C. Sec. - For 407 years in the non-Christian worship edict prohibits all forms again.

C. Sec. - With 408 in the West and East Roman Emperor Honorius Roman Emperor Arcadius orders that have destroyed the pagan temples or sculptures or should be confiscated. Private ownership of pagan sculpture is declared outside the law. Local bishops persecuted pagans. The judges, who show compassion toward the Gentiles also persecuted.

C. Sec. - For 409 in another edict, again, astrology and fortune telling in all other forms of illegal and punishable by death is announced.

C. Sec. - For 415 in Alexandria, Egypt, Christian mobs attacked Jews with Bishop Cyril, killing them and tortured the philosopher and astronomer kill women hepatias. His body parts in public streets and finally burned his books show a mob of Alexandria with a place called sunaroni. On August 30, a new North African repression against all the pagan priest, who were crucified or burned alive or atsvamen.

C. Sec. - For 416 in the inquisitor ipatiusi, the "sword of God", killing the Gentiles. December 7 non-Christians in Constantinople officers, public servants and judges hand Christians die.

C. Sec. - For 423 Emperor Theodosius II in the June 8, the pagan religion is nothing more than "demon worship" and orders all the heathen, who worshiped other gods, and to be imprisoned and tortured for Hellenic.

C. Sec. - The goddess Athena temple in Acropolis canceled for 429, Athens pagans persecuted.

C. Sec. - For 435 Theodosius II in the November 14 order of the impaled "pagans" and "heretics".

C. Sec. - To issue a new edict of Theodosius in 438, where he was recently named the plague epidemic of the Gentiles "idolatry".

C. Sec. - For 440 to 450 years since the Christian mob destroys the pagan temples, obelisks, sanctuaries and altars in Athens, Mount Olympus and other Greek cities.

C. Sec. - That all non-Christian books, orders for 448 in the second Theodosius burned at the stake.

C. Sec. - For 450 in aprodisiasis (the goddess Aphrodite City) All Temple destroyed by a mob of Christians, the library burned. The city renamed and renamed stauropolisi (Cross City).
C. Sec. - For 451 years in the Christian Emperor Theodosius II on November 4 edict emphasizes that "idolatry" to death.

C. Sec. - For 457 491 years since becoming a pagan persecution sporadikuli Eastern Empire. The doctor and philosopher James hesiusi Christians tortured and dying hand. Severianusi, herestiosi, zosima, Isidore and others tortured to death. Proselyte Kono and his followers destroyed the Gentiles imbros the island. Zeus destroyed the fans of Cyprus.

C. Sec. - For most of the nations of Asia Minor in 482-488 Christians murder, desperate rebellion against the emperor and the church.

C. Sec. - For 486 years in Egypt, Christians find the "underground" pagan priests were tortured and killed.

C. Sec. - For 515 in Baptism becomes obligatory, even for those of you who said that being a Christian. Anastasiusi pagan emperor orders the death penalty in the Arab city zoara and local destruction of the temple of God teandritesis.

C. Sec. - By Christian emperor Justinian in 528 prohibits Antioch "alternative" to the Games. It also orders the fire, crucifixion, wild beasts and iron lurmnebit being wounded by the rupture of the death penalty alive, the people who carry out the practice of "voodoo, witchcraft, magic and idolatry" and prohibits the pagan philosophy.

C. Sec. - By Christian emperor Justinian in 529 cancels the Athens Academy of Philosophy, and the confiscation of his property and arrange to hand over the treasures of the Orthodox Church.

C. Sec. - For 532 in the Orthodox inquisitor Ioannis aziakusi, fanatical monk, leads a crusade against the pagans of Asia Minor.

C. Sec. By Christian emperor Justinian in 542 allows the inquisitor ioaniss "baptized" and "convert" Phrygia, Lydia door and pagans. The 35-year crusade at 99 Christian churches and 12 monasteries destroyed pagan temples and altars are built in the right place.

C. Sec. - 546 for the killing of hundreds of Gentiles, the inquisitor ioanisis initiative.

C. Sec. - By Christian emperor Justinian in 556 sends the inquisitor amantiuss go to Antioch, to find, arrest and torture and slaughter the last of the flames to destroy all the nations of the private pagan library.

C. Sec. - For the mass arrests and torture killing 562 in becoming pagan Athens, Antioch, Palmyra and Constantinople.

C. Sec. - For 578-582 years, the Eastern Roman Empire, becoming the last pagan Gentiles of Heliopolis mass crucifixion and destruction.

C. Sec. - For the secret temple of Zeus destroyed 580 in the Christian Inquisition in Antioch. Priest carries out suicide, and other pagans are arrested. Arrested, tortured and sent to Constantinople, including the Vice Governor anatoliuss to them before the court. They die and shut usjian welcomed, but they do not want to see him, and finally they crucified atsvamen wild beasts. Their corpses publicly demonstratively show the Christian mob, and then buried without regard for the city's trash.

C. Sec. - For 583, the Emperor Maurice was starting a new wave of persecution of the Hellenes.

C. Sec. - For 590 to the Christians in the East "explain" pagan conspiracies. Gentiles will fall upon the new wave of executions and torture.

C. Sec. - By 591 Orthodox fanatics and chauvinists platted in doctrine, which says that if Mary Magdalene (Jesus Christ's wife) was a prostitute, but it's a lie.

C. Sec. - By 804 nations are staging a rebellion in lakoniis konstantinolis tarasiusis and his followers against the patriarch, who want to force their "conversion".

C. Sec. - For 950-988 years, the Armenian "Saint" Nikon force, threat "akristianebs" lakoniis Gentiles.

C. Sec. - For 979 in Kiev in Russia invading the Byzantine Orthodox missionaries proselytes. Kiev Vladimir the Russian Orthodox Christianity to the objectives of the politicking-marginal. Christened the order of Vladimir, the pagan Slavs soldiers at gunpoint, icy cold rivers Deported, where they forced the Byzantine missionaries baptized. Vladimir soldiers destroying heathen temples and obelisks. Old Slavic alphabet replaced their proselytes Byzantine runikuli invent a new "Cyrillic" alphabet. Pagan Slavs, who refuse to accept the new religion, Vladimir and Byzantine soldiers tortured and killed Inquisition. Destroyed one third of the Russian population.

C. Sec. - For pagan Slavs in 1722 and the Russian Orthodox Church excommunicated the "Staroobriadtsebi" organizing a rebellion, but they win. Orthodox Inquisition imprisoned rebels temples, gates and Protection live burn.

C. Sec. - By May 17, 2013 in Georgia, Tbilisi, Freedom Square, NGOs, human rights activists and journalists are organizing a rally against homophobia. Georgian Orthodox Church parish inspires ideas and religious fanatics and terrorist extremists angry mob attacked a rally of 40 000 to 40 participants.

p.s. Christian mezopobia, xenophobia, homophobia and racism is 1864 years old. In the era of the Christian cacophony, disinformation and blind faith in the apotheosis of the era.

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